Wednesday 1 February 2012

Editing Presentation

Research into Slasher Horror
Halloween 7: H20 (1998)
I liked the opening credits of this particular scene as I found the various newspaper articles created an unusual effect to an opening and helped the audience get a gist of the actual film before watching it. The voiceover with the non-diagetic sound also creates an eery feel. In the editing process my group and I would like to create our opening a scene a bit like this but we want to use radio rather than newspaper.

Research into Slasher Horror

Halloween 6 (1995)

In this particular clip, the scene is very short and the death scene is very quick. The use of close ups on the faces are effective as it shows emotion in the womans face as she dies allowing the audience to empathise. It zooms into her face as her face grows more worried and as it zooms in we see the killer get closer and closer behind her. It quickly cuts to the killer grabbing her by the throat. What makes the scene effective is that as soon as the killing is over it plays a certain tune, which is the theme song of the actual film. The song is easily identifiable as the Halloween theme and also killings within the Halloween film series which ties the film together. This is interesting for us to look at as a group as by doing something like this we could also make our project identifiable.

Research into Slasher Horror
Scream 4 (2011)

The non-diagetic noise used in this clip is effective as it starts to build up around a scene creating tension. When creating our own non-diagetic noise throughout the process we want it to sound and be as effective as this particular clip. I have found that by looking at several clips on YouTube it has helped my group and I come up with ideas for our project, expand and improve our initial ideas. Ialso find this clip effective as you can see the death through the window in the friend's point of view which makes it more terrifying as it kind of gives the audience a feeling of helplessness. The make up and the fake blood in this scene is very advanced but also gives us ideas of how to create realism.

Research into Slasher Horror
Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

I found this particular clip useful as preparing for the editing process my group and I were thinking about certain aspects such as where the credits will be, how long and how the film will flow alongside the credits. I liked the way the film still carried on with the credits but they didnt get in the way. My group and I will use this clip for inspiration throughout the process to create professionalism.

Research into Slasher Horror
Hills Have Eyes (1977)
I found that the establishing shot used in this particular scene between 1:16 and 1:52 was useful to us as my group and I wanted to start our film with an establishing shot of our surroundings before zooming into the house. The slow pan of the surroundings in this film helps the audience gather a sense of where it is but it also creates a calm feel which is a contrast to the normal jumpy horror. However with this film being fairly old the editing cuts seem quite basic and jumpy. For our project we are going to try and improve this by including non-diagetic music to hype up the tension. Its good to look at older films for inspiration as I can see how technology has developed over time and how my group and I can improve certain shot types and editing with the technology we have access to today.

Research into Slasher Horror
Scream (1996)
My group and I took inspiration for our horror film from many other slasher horrors such as Scream. With this particular scene, I took a few ideas from the fact it was set in the garage and seemed so innocent until the murderer striked. It was obvious the death scene would be hard to re-create so we made our death scene a bit more simplistic but hopefully still as effective. The use of the non-diagetic music really creates a scary feel so whilst editing we will include some eery music like this to hopefully create the same effect. We've also used a lot of close-ups like this to create a reaction within the audience and to empathise and scare.

Research into Modern Horror Film Posters

Research into Older Horror Film Posters

Vanished- Short Film Analysis